
Are your work-from-anywhere employees thriving, or just surviving?

There is a difference between being at home during work hours, and working remotely in a way that maintains (or enhances) business operations. We’re here to make sure you’re doing the latter.


Our services are available in a variety of levels to match the needs of your team.


Ready to tackle the change management process yourself, but need a little support and direction? Our template library and weekly consultations will help you stay on track.


In just six weeks, our consultants can guide you through the essentials of physical-to-virtual conversion, build critical resources, and help prevent the most common barriers to success.


From employee surveys to leadership training, we provide all the traditional advisory services that you’re hoping for from an internationally-renowned consulting firm.


Construction isn’t maintenance. So, we’ll build the digital and operational infrastructure for a permanent Head of Remote, then help source, screen, and train the talent to keep it running.

OUR process


Analyze Virtual Sustainability

Through either a Virtual Health Analysis or Virtual Viability Analysis, Distribute will help your organization explore the risks and benefits of your current stage of remote work adoption, and reveal what remains in the change management process.

Deliverables Include: Analysis Results (PDF Report and slide deck presentation), Change Management Checklist, Project Management Plan

Investigate Barriers to Success

Dig deeper into virtual operations to find the data-driven sources of risks revealed during the discovery phase, and analyze what impact results may have on change readiness.

Formats Include: Employee Surveys, Focus Groups, Workforce Interviews, and/or Digital Infrastructure Inspection



Resolve Risks with Resources

Construct the digital infrastructure your workforces needs to stay productive and compliant, no matter where they are.

Sample Deliverables: Remote Work Policy Draft, Digital Employee Handbook, Digital Toolkit Guide, Virtual Culture Development Map, Return to Office Policy Draft.

Prepare Your Workforce for Success

Location-independent work requires independent workers. We’ll train your team to stay productive autonomously and manage output without physical supervision.

Common Services: Onboarding and Mentorship Program Design, Remote Talent Acquisition Plan, Home Office Safety Setup Guide, Self-Management Training Content.



Optimize Efficiency with Communication

Ensure consistency, transparency, and sustainability of remote work adoption by designing systems to enhance workforce support.

Sample Services: Distributed Culture Strategy, Remote Work Policy Rollout Event Planning, Success Metric Design and Tracking Plan.


get started

Are you ready to access the full benefits of remote work?