Walter P Moore
Walter P Moore are a 1,200 person company.
Walter P Moore’s executive leadership team goes through a facilitated leadership training workshop each quarter. Since the onset of COVID-19, their team has been working remotely and the in-person workshops had to move to a virtual platform. After disappointing attempts at an engaging and interactive facilitated learning experience, Walter P Moore was on the verge of postponing the leadership sessions until an in-person experience was available again.
What we did
Distribute was asked to deliver a short address and to design and facilitate a virtual workshop to equip Walter P Moore leaders to raise the bar on virtual event experiences across the organization. Distribute introduced new, yet simple, collaboration tools and modeled an effective way to leverage them for audience engagement and participation.
Finally, the Walter P Moore leaders in attendance were challenged to apply what they learned by demonstrating how various types of virtual events could be improved.
What was the outcome?
The virtual collaboration at the session was remarkable. Each leader in attendance actively identified a path forward for driving engagement and connection through virtual meetings. At the conclusion of the workshop, action steps were identified to apply the knowledge they gained to impact the 700+ team members at Walter P Moore.
“Optimizing Remote Work was a refreshing collaborative experience.
The use of virtual whiteboarding during the brainstorming sessions was new to us and we found it to be particularly enlightening and competitive (in a good way) with our colleagues.
From this experience, we were able to succinctly share our ideas and pull together a common plan of action, all masterfully facilitated by Distribute.”
- Walter P Moore